Unit Converter

Metric Conversion Calculator
in to mmmm to inyd to mm to yd
mile to kmkm to mileacre to haha to acre
oz to gg to ozlb to kgkg to lb
stone to kgkg to stoneUK gal to ll to UK gal
US gal to ll to US gal° F to C° C to F
Hp to WW to Hpcal to JJ to cal
Weight Measures (/ Weight)
Tonne t
Kilogram kg
Gram g
Pound lb
Ounce oz

. 1 metric ton = 1000 kilograms
. 1 hectogram = 100 grams
. 1 decagram = 10 grams
. 1 centigram = 0.01 grams
. 1 milligram = 0.001 grams
. 1 short tons = 2000 pound
. 1 long tons = 2240 pound